The Healing Ring: CBD for Sleep and Insomnia
Have you ever experienced a sleepless night? Maybe you’re familiar with looking at the clock every 15 minutes and doing mental math, thinking: If I fall asleep now, I’ll still get a few hours of sleep before I need to wake up. Or tossing and turning, never able to calm your restless body. Maybe when you lie down, your body is ready to sleep, but your mind won’t turn off.
Especially at bedtime, some people struggle to quiet anxious thoughts, revisiting the day’s events, reliving things from the past, or imagining future difficulties. We all know how important sleep is to our overall health, focus, and functioning, so it can be incredibly frustrating when it feels like it's out of your control.
Whether this is your first time dealing with sleepless nights, or it’s an issue you’ve been coping with for some time, The Healing Ring’s natural CBD tinctures may provide relief for you. CBD is a well-tolerated natural supplement that induces a sense of relaxation (not a high!) that can help ease your body and mind into a peaceful slumber.
Read the full blog post about sleep and CBD at
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